Tag Archive: top ten

The majority of people I talk to want to do the right things online to protect themselves but don’t know what to do. That said, most people won’t go hunting for information to help themselves because they have to wade through great mountains of jargon and impenetrable comments from all quarters. If they do go looking for stuff, many give up.

So, I have been organising a series of three evenings at LSE, in the Old Theatre, with eminent speakers to explain what’s going on in the information security world, and how you can protect yourselves.

These will take place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October from 6.30pm and are open to the general public.

#ssol on Twitter

I’m in the process of creating some “Top Ten Tip” flyers for work to try to distil some best practice into bite-sized chunks.

Here are my Top Ten Social Networking Tips:

  1. Never post anything you don’t want made public
  2. Check your privacy settings often
  3. Don’t use the same password as for your email account
  4. If one of your friends starts chatting and asking for money, phone them up!
  5. Don’t install apps you don’t know the provenance of
  6. Remember: everyone can read your tweets!
  7. Be careful on tagging other people in posts
  8. Don’t show your date of birth to anyone
  9. Be careful who you friend
  10. Consider the future implications of posts and pictures: nothing ever gets deleted

Are there any more important ones? What would you suggest?